Strives to create a safe space for all women of color to thrive. Whether it’s by providing support and inspiration, celebrating our wins, learning a new skill, or embracing tough convos.
Arts, Media, Communications Programs, Marketing and Sales Programs
Women Who Create Mentorship Program
For School Year: 1, 2, 3, 4, Grad
Program Type: Internship
Targeted Identities: , Person Of Color
Majors / Focus: Advertising, Music, Freelancing, Fashion, Entrepreneurship
Location: Virtual
Program Dates: September - December
Identify as an ambitious woman of color;
Interested in pursuing a career in a creative industry, or be < 5 years into the field;
Able to make a 15 week commitment to your mentor;
Ability to accept different points of view and willingness to work towards goals with your mentor;
Live in the US